Why did I need to provide domestic logistic waybill number when submit international transit order?

In order to receive your package/parcel in time and accurately, please must provide the waybill number of your package/parcel when submit international order. Without providing a correct waybill number, Lotusgoo can not sign or arrange inspection or store the package/parcel.


If your package/parcel are already arrived at Lotusgoo warehouse and waiting for signing in, please submit your order with complete goods list, Lotusgoo will cross check the parcel/package detail of your list, Lotusgoo will supplement the waybill number after confirm your parcel/package and arrange inspection and storage.

Please must be aware of that Lotusgoo will assume you give up the parcel/package and will destroy it if your parcel/package are over free storage period and no further extra application for them. Please must check your parcel status and storage time in time.

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